Can Christianity be harmonized with other worldviews? (Part 3)

This blog is part of my series titled “Is Christianity true?” The series addresses four common objections to the truthfulness of the Christian worldview, namely concerns about: (1) the trustworthiness of the Bible; (2) the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection; (3) the compatibility of faith in God with modern science; and (4) the incompatibility of Christian truth claims with those of other worldviews.


“I know men, and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man. Between Him and every other person in the world, there is no possible term of comparison.” 


When exploring the different religions of the world, there is a danger of lumping them all in the same category. In fact, the Christian worldview only superficially occupies the same category as other religions. The reason is that the uniqueness of Christianity rests inextricably on the uniqueness of Jesus’ claims, supported by the historical facts of His life, death, and resurrection. Napoleon (allegedly) said it best from exile on the island of Saint Helena: “Jesus Christ is no mere man.” 

The Christian worldview only superficially occupies the same category as other religions.

During His earthly ministry, Jesus was presented in the New Testament writings as the Man-God— simultaneously fully man and fully God. Moreover, He is the only person in history who, according to the New Testament biographies, died and was raised back to life (see my blog series on the historicity of the resurrection beginning here). And not just a temporary reprieve from death (for example, Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead) but a life that has permanently overcome death. Of course, the truth of Jesus’ claims lies in the trustworthiness of the Bible and, in this regard, my blog series on this topic can be accessed here.

By contrast (and again borrowing from Napoleon), Mohammed and Buddha were “mere men.” Following their deaths, they were seen no longer. Unlike Jesus, they live on only in the ideologies inspired by words they allegedly spoke (Mohammed) or wrote down (Buddha). No other religions of the world make claims concerning their relevance to humankind that are even remotely comparable to those of the Christian worldview. Most importantly, during His earthly ministry, Jesus claimed that we could access God only through Him. Specifically, He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”

Put differently, all other religions that claim that the way to God is through their beliefs and rituals are false if Jesus is who He claims to be. Some people take great offense at this claim. What gives anyone the right to make such an audacious statement? The answer is that Jesus is not a mere man. He is the eternal God. He sets the rules. His gift of reconciliation with God is not exclusive in the most important sense. It is freely offered to anyone who trusts in His atoning work on the cross. No exceptions! 

Putting Christianity on the same shelf as the other religions of the world is a serious category error! In light of the enormous differences between the various religions of the world, it is clear that they cannot all lead to God. Logically, they can all be false, but they cannot all be true. Category error notwithstanding, let’s consider some of these differences in the following blogs.

Photo taken from cover of “Dissonant Voices” by Harold A. Netland


Can Christianity be harmonized with other worldviews? (Part 4)


Can Christianity be harmonized with other worldviews? (Part 2)